Introduction invite to teachers

An allegory, a tale of the supreme importance of mastering the three R’s It is freely offered for adaptation by teachers of juniors, or say at sixth form level, as a stimulant to their pupils’ creative thought processes and vocabulary development. As an incentive to explore the realms of nature, literature and democracy today.

Creative arts teachers might also like to consider it as the framework and project template for teaching graphic arts, animation, cartoon drawing , creative writing (add an episode) book publishing, school plays or forming a pop group. Even a West End musical. Maybe DCFS, The Arts Council, Andrew Lloyd Webber or some other body would like to sponsor an award for the most imaginative and progressive use of new media. As a one off, I certainly would be happy to offer a prize of, say, £750, for the one who completes the best project as decided by their peers.
Class room work could include a questionnaire on the origins of the ducks mangled language, or, another simply ‘duckmocracy today - does it exist?
Beforehand, please correct any errors of syntax, grammar and punctuation. A younger, more computer literate brain than mine. one that is at ease with Twitter, Flickr, You Tube and Facebook is needed. Is there anyone out there?

Although I retain copyright I would like to reserve any financial benefits that might arise in the future to Great Ormond Street Children’s hospital and would welcome ideas on how to achieve this. Any feedback on any matter should be addressed to me at

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